From the deranged minds of Tristan Clay and Destine Orndoff, following the release of their controversial film Red Eye, comes Inverted. Producers promise that it is “a film that is unlike any other film you may have seen in the past.” They say it “goes places many films shy away from and it stays there without coming back for air.”
The film, “Set in the 70’s, a centuries-old cult known as the “Inverts” take four sin bearing individuals against their will to recruit for the holy war against the second coming of Christ. From a homosexual hippie, prostitute druggie, man in drag, and a pedophilic priest…they’re all deemed to be choice victims to invert through initiations that push past the most brutal boundaries.“
Lynn Lowry, Destinie Orndoff, Tommie Vegas, Trevor Dow, Jennifer Nangle, David McMahon, and Maria Olsen star in this dark horror-thriller.
Inverted is currently running an
Indiegogo campaign with perks like DVDs, autographs, shirts and more. Check it out.