Short Film Review: My Monster (2018)

May 1, 2018

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

It’s always a good day here in the Crypt O’ XIII when I get to slap my putrid peepers on a new film from Izzy Lee (creator of one of my favorite short fright flicks of all time; Innsmouth), so let’s take a look at her new picture; My Monster!
My Monster tells the Yuletide-set tale of Lily (Brea Grant) and her well-meaning lunkhead of a partner Rob (Adam Egypt Mortimer) who must contend with the fact that our heroine is having some seriously disturbing visions…namely of a figure calling to her from outside of her window each night. Well come to find out, this is no mere apparition, rather it is a creature from another dimension who has arrived on our plane of existence with a sinister purpose, that once fulfilled leads to delightfully absurd results!
Filled with great paradigm shifting story elements, a cool, practically realized monster, a strong cast, and an unexpected sense of fun; My Monster is a rock solid horror comedy short with neat sci-fi overtones, that also has a little message hiding in there too (as is traditional in Lee’s work)…but you have to see the film to get that one as talking too much about it would give away a rather large story point!
To sum it up; you creeps have got to check this one out as soon as it plays in your neck o’ the woods and you’ll see why I have been singing ol’ Izzy’s praises these last few years!

To keep up with Izzy Lee’s Nihil Noctem Films, be sure to give their Facebook page a ‘Like’!

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