Hammer Films, the legendary studio known for chilling horror, brings a fresh take on Robert Louis Stevenson’s timeless novella with Doctor Jekyll. This slow-burn gothic horror, directed by Joe Stephenson (Midas Man), delves into the duality of man, weaving a dark and twisted fairytale.
Eddie Izzard takes center stage as Dr. Jekyll, a brilliant but troubled scientist. Jekyll’s experiments on human nature unlock a monstrous secret—the monstrous Hyde. The film explores the battle within Jekyll as he grapples with his newfound darkness, blurring the lines between good and evil with a surprising blend of dark humor and campy flair.
Joining Izzard is a talented ensemble cast, including Scott Chambers, Simon Callow, Lindsay Duncan, and Jonathan Hyde. With a runtime steeped in a gothic atmosphere, Doctor Jekyll promises to be a chilling and suspenseful exploration of humanity’s darkest impulses.
Eddie Izzard, also known as Suzy Izzard, is an actor and comedian who is the first gender-fluid-nonbinary actor to play Doctor Jekyll in a film.
Prepare to witness the transformation on August 2nd, 2024, when Doctor Jekyll premieres in theaters and on-demand platforms. Hammer Films invites you to revisit this classic tale and experience the terror anew.