Let’s be honest, we all love cake, but nothing is better than that special cake we get once a year on our birthdays. Often birthday cakes come in cool designs, but nothing is cooler than these horror themed cakes. Maybe they’ll serve as inspiration for your next birthday, holiday or just a great get together. Enjoy!
Let’s start with just a cool, basic horror theme
Hey Jason, what’s eating you? Oh, right, that would be me.
Here’s a cool, family friendly ‘Frankenweenie’ design.
Slimmer is the poster ghost for hunger.
This pumpkin cake makes you wish Halloween was here.
This Audrey 2 almost looks too good to eat, almost.
I’m gonna need a bigger fork.
Frankenstein looks delicious.
This Pennywise cake might give you nightmares.
Michael looks good (in my tummy)
I hope this Walking Dead cake isn’t infectious.
Clowns and parties go together like cake and ice cream.
I think Freddy lost something.
I wonder what flavor cakes come in on his planet.
A zombie cake that looks as if it might bite back.
Here’s Chucky!
Finally, someone gets o eat them, for a change.
Some books are better left unread, but not uneaten.
I don’t know about you, but suddenly have the urge to eat cake while I watch a horror movie.