Negan Is Back And Lucille Is Still Thirsty In ‘Tekken 7: Season Pass 2’!

December 3, 2018

Written by Capt McNeely

Georgia Division ZADF Twitter: @ZADF_ORG

The most infamous and popular villain from AMC’s “The Walking Dead” Negan and his barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat Lucille are making a comeback in the fighting game “Tekken 7: Season Pass 2“.
Tekken is a fighting game series that was popular back in the arcade days before it came into our homes as console games. The game is known for its large roster of anime-like characters with unique abilities and finishing moves.

Tekken 7” is already out on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC but “Season Pass 2” (which can be bought separately if you already own the game or bundled with the game when you buy it) will be bringing back some popular characters from the game’s past and introducing Negan.
Negan’s release date is unknown at this time but it’s safe to say his introduction to the game will be just as dramatic as it was for “The Walking Dead”.


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