The Undead Movie - Official Trailer

Short Film Review: Bible Black (2017)

January 23, 2019

Written by DanXIII

Daniel XIII; the result of an arcane ritual involving a King Diamond album, a box of Count Chocula, and a copy of Swank magazine, is a screenwriter, director, producer, actor, artist, and reviewer of fright flicks…Who hates ya baby?

Buckle up boils n’ ghouls ‘cuz we are going to dive deep into Bible Black; a motion comic about…dark religious things…and stuff…
After an opening narration so overwrought it becomes parody, and a musical selection that sounds like a selection from a Broadway show about Lucifer we begin Bible Black proper; an arcane anthology that promises to be edgy-dark…like a frowny girl buying a Goth attired Hello Kitty figurine at Hot Topic dark if that intro is any indication…
Story one is a short piece about God committing suicide…okay, that is a rather attention grabbing way to start things, but it’s shock value is minimal…and you’ll see that is an issue throughout this short…
Following that is some shit about a girl with nightmares.
While neither of these amount to much, I’ll admit the one piece of art we get for each tale are both strong images.
Next up comes Lobster Girl; the tale of a deformed stripper with claws for hands who demands her admirers disfigure themselves…and the dark turns her life takes. This was a cool story through and through, with fantastic art and an intriguing premise. This should have been the focus of the entire film.
Also included are various shorts with such award losing subjects as The Holocaust (presented in an unbelivably tacky manner), a mother killing her children (ugh), a child molester (double ugh), a rape (are you fucking kidding me…this is getting ridiculous), another Holocaust piece (just go away Bible Black)…and then that song returns.
Look, I’m sure Bible Black has an audience somewhere, but it sure isn’t with me. Lobster Girl was admittedly cool, but the rest of the material is a dumpster fire…I mean sure the dumpster is painted a cool shade of black, and decorated with some neat inverted crosses, but it’s still a pile of burning garbage at the end of the day…



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