This January, sink your teeth into Asylum’s latest horror fare Dracula: The Original Living Vampire, starring Michael Ironside (Total Recall, Starship Troopers). In the film, Detective Amelia Van Helsing is on the desperate hunt for the killer...
Adventure Kid and Blue Firefly Films have just announced their new romantic horror-comedy Bite Me is coming to Digital this February. In the film, when Sarah, a real-life vampire, gets audited by the IRS, the last thing she expects to get out of it is a date....
Two sisters, the timid, practical Elizabeth (Mary Buss) and artsy free spirit Alma (Ginger Gilmartin), reconnect with their friend, the suave and worldly writer Wesley (Ben Hall), after two decades apart. Over the course of many (bizarre ’70s era) meals (all...
Sink your teeth into the new exclusive clip from the indie vampire horror Red Snow, written and directed by Sean Nicholas Lynch. Starring Dennice Cisneros, Nico Bellamy, and Laura Kennon, and produced by Alrik Bursell, Red Snow centers on a...
AMC has just ordered the series adaptation of Anne Rice’s famous novel “Interview With the Vampire,” part of the novelist’s “Vampire Chronicles” series. It will feature eight episodes in its first season premiering in 2022. ...